Crystal to refurbish historic SS United States to its former glory

Crystal to refurbish historic SS United States to its former glory

An historic ship that still holds the title for the world’s fastest luxury liner may soon set sail again after being destined for the scrap heap.

The S.S. United States, built in 1952 by United States Lines to capture the world’s trans-Atlantic speed record, has just been tossed a life preserver by Crystal Cruises, which signed a purchase option for the ship.
In a press conference Thursday Crystal’s chief executive, Edie Rodriguez, outlined the terms of the deal, which first requires a nine-month feasibility study while paying about $60,000 a month to care for the ship.

The nonprofit, Washington-based S.S. United States Conservancy currently owns the ship, which has been docked in South Philadelphia since 1996.

“It is our goal that the S.S. United States re-emerge as a modern luxury vessel,” said Rodriguez.

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