The Worst Dog Breeds for Apartment Living

The Worst Dog Breeds for Apartment Living

Apartment dwellers who pine for a pooch to greet them with big, sloppy kisses and unconditional adoration at every homecoming need not despair — there are plenty of dog breeds that thrive in small spaces. Don’t listen to the naysayers who say that man’s best friend is happy only when lazing about untamed forests or running wildly through rural fields. But choose wisely, apartment dwellers!

If you’re looking for that perfect canine match, there are also some breeds you should avoid as if they were greedy landlords. Whether because of major exercise needs, a tendency for frantic barking, or an aversion to housebreaking, these dogs usually aren’t suited to life in a confined home with neighbors on all sides.

To avoid ending up with a miserable pooch (and a miserable you by association), think twice before welcoming any of these breeds into your apartment for keeps.
Not only does this large, intelligent breed need more exercise and stimulation than apartment living can provide, its territorial nature can make it downright risky in apartment hallways and elevators.

“A dog doesn’t necessarily understand that the apartment is your turf but the rest of the building isn’t,” says Charlotte Reed, “pet trendologist” and author of ” Miss Fido Manners Complete Book of Dog Etiquette.” “That can be seriously dangerous when a big, territorial dog is in an elevator with a smaller dog.”

Also, German shepherds have acutely sensitive hearing, which can lead them to be upset by noises in adjacent apartments. “Your neighbor’s loud music could really wind the dog up and, at the very least, cause it to bark.” Loudly.
A Labrador is a high-energy dog that needs a lot of exercise and engagement. So unless you take the pooch out for regular walks and play sessions, your apartment and most of your belongings will suffer the consequences.

“They are likely to act out and damage the apartment through chewing or digging if you don’t exercise them enough,” says Reed. So how much is enough? Too much, city boy.
The ultimate working dog, the border collie is bred to herd, which means it’s alert to noises and needs lots of activity.

“A border collie might pace back and forth and go slightly insane when cooped up in an apartment,” says Reed. Plus its primal instinct to herd can cause problems if it’s used on young children or other dogs in your building.

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