HH Sheikha Arwa Al Qassimi Sponsors Photography Exhibition for the Visually Impaired Enthusiasts

HH Sheikha Arwa Al Qassimi Sponsors Photography Exhibition for the Visually Impaired Enthusiasts

Sightsavers is a NGO that deals with preventing avoidable blindness. The organization campaigns for equal rights for the disabled. The Bangalore showcase came after the successful first workshop that took place in Mumbai. The Blind View is being carried out in alliance with Beyond Sight Foundation. The association is under the support of Her Highness Sheikha Arwa Al Qassimi. The Senior Manager, Mr. Amal Gupta, Sightsavers (India), remarked that their primary motto was to raise awareness, encourage social inclusion of the disabled as well as show the capabilities of those who are visually impaired. He added that they aim at making a difference through the campaign and also spread happiness,and confidence among those with visual disabilities.

Consequently, Mr. Partho Bhowmick, Founder, Beyond Sight Foundation (BSF), commented that the organization proudly conducted the showcase initially in Mumbai then in Bangalore for the talented photographers in conjunction with Sightsavers. The workshop photographers are being trained to snap photos which will be displayed at a popular mall in Bangalore and later at a gala exhibition scheduled to take place in Delhi. The inventive primary objective of the exhibition was to promote self-confidence and encourage the interests for the visually impaired. Those trained to click perfect pictures were five of the participants with the supervision of proficient experts. The famous visually impaired photographer, Bhavesh Patel, who did a photo shoot of Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif was present at the workshop.

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