Category - Health


More from Fitness
Oklahoma university makes Fitbit-wearing mandatory

Oklahoma university makes Fitbit-wearing mandatory

In a move that critics say is more Orwell than Oral, freshmen and transfer students at Oklahoma's Oral Roberts University have been told that Fitbits are now manda...

Source: foxnews


More from Care
Bacterial vs. viral infections: How to protect yourself from antibiotic-resistant illness

Bacterial vs. viral infections: How to protect yourself from antibiotic-resistant illness

Over prescription of antibiotics for sore throats and mild respiratory infections has been a continuous issue in the health care community, even after the Centers ...

Source: foxnews

Top News - Health

Sleep myths ‘damaging your health’

Sleep myths ‘damaging your health’

Widely held myths about sleep are damaging our health and our mood, as well as shortening our lives, say researchers. A team at New York University trawled the internet to find the most common claims about a good night's kip. Then, in a study published in the journal Sleep Health, they match...

Source: BBC News

US issues treatment guidelines for infants exposed to Zika

US issues treatment guidelines for infants exposed to Zika

CHICAGO – U.S. health officials on Tuesday issued interim guidelines for health care prof...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 8 years ago
Healthy brain linked to active sex life in old age

Healthy brain linked to active sex life in old age

A healthy sex life in old age may help keep the brain healthy as well, though this connectio...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 8 years ago
Oklahoma university makes Fitbit-wearing mandatory

Oklahoma university makes Fitbit-wearing mandatory

In a move that critics say is more Orwell than Oral, freshmen and transfer students at Oklah...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 8 years ago
School-based mindfulness training may reduce stress, trauma

School-based mindfulness training may reduce stress, trauma

Middle-school students in urban areas may benefit from in-school mindfulness programs, a new...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 9 years ago
In last heroic act, man donates organs to fellow veterans

In last heroic act, man donates organs to fellow veterans

As Army veteran Matthew Whalen was wheeled down the halls of Plaza Fort Worth Medical Center...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 9 years ago
US patients get higher radiation doses in some heart tests

US patients get higher radiation doses in some heart tests

- Compared to patients in other countries, the typical U.S. patient is more often exposed to...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 9 years ago
Partners may not spot penis repair for common birth defect

Partners may not spot penis repair for common birth defect

Men don't need to live in fear of ridicule over the appearance of their penis after getting ...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 9 years ago
Change the way you eat in 2016

Change the way you eat in 2016

“Genes load the gun, the environment pulls the trigger.” Experts use this line to refere...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 9 years ago
4 steps you can take to avoid thyroid problems

4 steps you can take to avoid thyroid problems

If you don’t have a thyroid problem, you probably don’t spend a lot of time thinking abo...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 9 years ago
10 of the lowest calorie cocktails you can drink

10 of the lowest calorie cocktails you can drink

The season for celebrating is upon us, which means you probably have more occasions to drink...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 9 years ago

Most Popular

5 Smart Reasons to Refinance Your Home Loan Now

5 Smart Reasons to Refinance Your Home Loan Now

Since the Federal Reserve recently voted for the first benchmark interest rate hike in years...

Posted: About 9 years ago
Source: foxnews
Trump plots big TV ad blitz that could change campaign landscape

Trump plots big TV ad blitz that could change campaign landscape

When Donald Trump and his team were planning his presidential campaign, they drew up a budge...

Posted: About 9 years ago
Source: foxnews
Sightsavers Shows a Different Vision of Life by Showcasing Photos of Visually Impaired Artists

Sightsavers Shows a Different Vision of Life by Showcasing Photos of V...

~Event supported by Her Highness SheikhaArwa Al Qassimiand the Beyond Sight Foundation~ P...

Posted: About 8 years ago

More From Health

Eating soy may protect against reproductive effects of BPA
Posted: About 8 years ago

Eating soy may protect against reproductive effects of BPA

Eating soy foods may help protect against reproductive effects of bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical in many plastic consumer products and...

Source: foxnews
Oklahoma university makes Fitbit-wearing mandatory
Posted: About 8 years ago

Oklahoma university makes Fitbit-wearing mandatory

In a move that critics say is more Orwell than Oral, freshmen and transfer students at Oklahoma's Oral Roberts University have been t...

Source: foxnews
High school hockey player nets winning goal after dad loses cancer battle
Posted: About 8 years ago

High school hockey player nets winning goal after dad loses cancer battle

Hours after his father passed away, a Connecticut teen scored the game-winning goal for his high school’s hockey team Wednesday, an...

Source: foxnews
Honolulu quintuplets make it home for Christmas
Posted: About 9 years ago

Honolulu quintuplets make it home for Christmas

Quintuplets who were born premature in Honolulu in October finally got the opportunity to spend Christmas at home, instead of in a ho...

Source: foxnews
DR. MANNY: Shkreli exemplified worst in drug industry, now feds must fix it
Posted: About 8 years ago

DR. MANNY: Shkreli exemplified worst in drug industry, now feds must fix it

I am sick to my stomach over the past and present actions of former Turing Pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli, whom everybody kn...

Source: foxnews
Simple test offers quick diagnosis of potentially deadly prenatal condition
Posted: About 8 years ago

Simple test offers quick diagnosis of potentially deadly prenatal condition

Researchers have discovered a simple test used for Alzheimer’s diagnosis is effective at detecting one of the world’s deadliest p...

Source: foxnews

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