In a move that critics say is more Orwell than Oral, freshmen and transfer students at Oklahoma's Oral Roberts University have been told that Fitbits are now manda...
Over prescription of antibiotics for sore throats and mild respiratory infections has been a continuous issue in the health care community, even after the Centers ...
Sleep myths ‘damaging your health’
Widely held myths about sleep are damaging our health and our mood, as well as shortening our lives, say researchers. A team at New York University trawled the internet to find the most common claims about a good night's kip. Then, in a study published in the journal Sleep Health, they match...
US issues treatment guidelines for infants exposed to Zika
CHICAGO – U.S. health officials on Tuesday issued interim guidelines for health care prof...
Healthy brain linked to active sex life in old age
A healthy sex life in old age may help keep the brain healthy as well, though this connectio...
Oklahoma university makes Fitbit-wearing mandatory
In a move that critics say is more Orwell than Oral, freshmen and transfer students at Oklah...
School-based mindfulness training may reduce stress, trauma
Middle-school students in urban areas may benefit from in-school mindfulness programs, a new...
In last heroic act, man donates organs to fellow veterans
As Army veteran Matthew Whalen was wheeled down the halls of Plaza Fort Worth Medical Center...
US patients get higher radiation doses in some heart tests
- Compared to patients in other countries, the typical U.S. patient is more often exposed to...
Partners may not spot penis repair for common birth defect
Men don't need to live in fear of ridicule over the appearance of their penis after getting ...
Change the way you eat in 2016
“Genes load the gun, the environment pulls the trigger.” Experts use this line to refere...
4 steps you can take to avoid thyroid problems
If you don’t have a thyroid problem, you probably don’t spend a lot of time thinking abo...
10 of the lowest calorie cocktails you can drink
The season for celebrating is upon us, which means you probably have more occasions to drink...
Meat on famed 1950s Explorer Club gala menu was actually sea turtle
The meat eaten at a lavish New York City Explorers Club dinner in 1951 – which at one poin...
3 Super Bowl snack swaps that cut the salt
The Super Bowl is around the corner, which means it’s snack time. Since the new government...
7 of the weirdest sculpture parks in the world
When most people think of sculptures, classics like Rodin’s The Thinker or Michelangelo’...
DR. MANNY: Shkreli exemplified worst in drug industry, now feds must fix it
I am sick to my stomach over the past and present actions of former Turing Pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli, whom everybody kn...
Upping physical activity level yields diminishing returns
Increasing physical activity to burn more calories works up to a point, but then the body adjusts to keep energy use stable, accordin...
Honolulu quintuplets make it home for Christmas
Quintuplets who were born premature in Honolulu in October finally got the opportunity to spend Christmas at home, instead of in a ho...
Not a morning person? It may be your parents’ fault
You may be naturally disposed toward being a morning person or a night owl—and scientists are now saying that may have a true biolo...
Paleo vs. vegan? The pegan diet gives you the best of both
Whatever your stance on jorts, Priuses, and the man bun-braid, the latest hybrid is poised to be fall's No. 1 diet sensation. Meet...
Every day, more than 10,000 new campaigns are launched on, but for one Washington woman, the almost $16,000 she received...
Meat on famed 1950s Explorer Club gala menu was actually sea turtle
Kim Jong-un arrives in Vladivostok by train for Putin summit