Top News - Tech

Police catch suspected burglar with help from his Twitter account

Police catch suspected burglar with help from his Twitter account

It’s one thing to tweet out when you're at the ball game or a concert. But when you're allegedly robbing an apartment? That is what a Virginia man is accused of doing. Police in Washington, D.C. allege that Thomas Matthew Collodel burglarized a hotel, a restaurant, the front desk of an apartment ...

Source: foxnews

Can the US military build Star Wars-style laser cannons for its troops?

Can the US military build Star Wars-style laser cannons for its troops?

It seems everyone is getting inspired by the latest “Star Wars” movie and that includes ...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 9 years ago
China Mobile leaks details of Samsung Galaxy S7

China Mobile leaks details of Samsung Galaxy S7

It seems China Mobile couldn’t wait to tell the world about Samsung’s new Galaxy S7 Edge...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 9 years ago
Tech Q&A: Data plans, dying computers, an app for buying wine and more

Tech Q&A: Data plans, dying computers, an app for buying wine and more

Avoid going over your data limit Q. I love everything my Android phone can do, but I don'...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 9 years ago
Free online estimators tell you how much your home is worth

Free online estimators tell you how much your home is worth

You hear about home prices all the time. Just watch your local news and you'll hear how much...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 9 years ago
Tech Q&A: Turn off Google ads, upgrade your iPhone and more

Tech Q&A: Turn off Google ads, upgrade your iPhone and more

Turn off Google ads Q. I visited every ad network site I could find and opted out of pers...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 9 years ago

Must Watch

Obama Praises Colombia’s Peace Efforts With Rebels and Seeks Big Aid Increase

Posted: About 8 years ago

WASHINGTON — President Obama welcomed President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia to the White House on Thursday for a buoyant celebration of the $10 billion, 15-ye...

Source: nytimes
Obama Praises Colombia’s Peace Efforts With Rebels and Seeks Big Aid Increase

Disappointed With Europe, Thousands of Iraqi Migrants Return Home

Posted: About 8 years ago

BAGHDAD — Night after night, Mohammed al-Jabiry tossed and turned in his bed at a refugee center in Finland, comparing life in Europe with life in Baghdad. After...

Source: nytimes
Disappointed With Europe, Thousands of Iraqi Migrants Return Home

Yet Another Airbag Recall Will Affect Five Million

Posted: About 8 years ago

In a case that echoes the Takata airbag recalls, automakers including Honda and Fiat Chrysler will recall about five million vehicles worldwide to fix a defect in ...

Source: nytimes
Yet Another Airbag Recall Will Affect Five Million

Airlines offering to re-assign crew from Zika-hit routes

Posted: About 8 years ago

As concern grows over the Zika virus, major airlines are offering to re-assign flight crew concerned about contracting the disease from routes to affected countrie...

Source: foxnews
Airlines offering to re-assign crew from Zika-hit routes
Police catch suspected burglar with help from his Twitter account

Police catch suspected burglar with help from his Twitter account

It’s one thing to tweet out when you're at the ball game or a concert. But when you're all...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 8 years ago
Feds’ encryption fears overblown, report finds

Feds’ encryption fears overblown, report finds

Ever since Apple and Google made their operating systems encrypted by default in 2014, the f...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 8 years ago
Study finds which US states have the ‘fastest talkers’

Study finds which US states have the ‘fastest talkers’

Research by mobile advertising analytics company Marchex has ranked America’s "fastest tal...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 8 years ago
See how painfully slow 4G LTE is in the US compared to the rest of the world

See how painfully slow 4G LTE is in the US compared to the rest of the world

It turns out T-Mobile is a one-eyed man in the land of the blind. In a recent study conducte...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 8 years ago
The FAA says it will shoot down your drone if you fly within 36 miles of the Super Bowl

The FAA says it will shoot down your drone if you fly within 36 miles of the Super Bowl

The Federal Aviation Administration is taking a tough stance on drones at the Super Bowl thi...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 8 years ago
Can the US military build Star Wars-style laser cannons for its troops?

Can the US military build Star Wars-style laser cannons for its troops?

It seems everyone is getting inspired by the latest “Star Wars” movie and that includes ...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 9 years ago
China Mobile leaks details of Samsung Galaxy S7

China Mobile leaks details of Samsung Galaxy S7

It seems China Mobile couldn’t wait to tell the world about Samsung’s new Galaxy S7 Edge...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 9 years ago
Tech Q&A: Data plans, dying computers, an app for buying wine and more

Tech Q&A: Data plans, dying computers, an app for buying wine and more

Avoid going over your data limit Q. I love everything my Android phone can do, but I don'...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 9 years ago
Free online estimators tell you how much your home is worth

Free online estimators tell you how much your home is worth

You hear about home prices all the time. Just watch your local news and you'll hear how much...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 9 years ago
Tech Q&A: Turn off Google ads, upgrade your iPhone and more

Tech Q&A: Turn off Google ads, upgrade your iPhone and more

Turn off Google ads Q. I visited every ad network site I could find and opted out of pers...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 9 years ago

Most Popular

5 Smart Reasons to Refinance Your Home Loan Now

5 Smart Reasons to Refinance Your Home Loan Now

Since the Federal Reserve recently voted for the first benchmark interest rate hike in years...

Posted: About 9 years ago
Source: foxnews
Trump plots big TV ad blitz that could change campaign landscape

Trump plots big TV ad blitz that could change campaign landscape

When Donald Trump and his team were planning his presidential campaign, they drew up a budge...

Posted: About 9 years ago
Source: foxnews
Sightsavers Shows a Different Vision of Life by Showcasing Photos of Visually Impaired Artists

Sightsavers Shows a Different Vision of Life by Showcasing Photos of V...

~Event supported by Her Highness SheikhaArwa Al Qassimiand the Beyond Sight Foundation~ P...

Posted: About 8 years ago

More From Tech

Tech Q & A: Spy apps, fake email and Bluetooth speakers
Posted: About 9 years ago

Tech Q & A: Spy apps, fake email and Bluetooth speakers

How to spot a fake email? Q. I got an email from Amazon that was a security alert about my account. How can you tell if it’s leg...

Source: foxnews
Tech Q & A: Tablet vs. laptop, photographing New Year’s fireworks
Posted: About 9 years ago

Tech Q & A: Tablet vs. laptop, photographing New Year’s fireworks

Tablet vs. laptop Q. I can't decide whether to buy a tablet or laptop. How can I decide? A. The differences between modern lapt...

Source: foxnews
Microsoft hints at ‘breakthrough’ Surface phone
Posted: About 9 years ago

Microsoft hints at ‘breakthrough’ Surface phone

Microsoft’s Lumia 950 and 950 XL have only been out for about a month, but those handsets may only be a stepping stone to the next ...

Source: foxnews
Tech that should excite (and worry) you in 2016
Posted: About 9 years ago

Tech that should excite (and worry) you in 2016

For more than two decades, I have written an annual column with tech predictions for the next year. But this year I am deviating a bi...

Source: foxnews
Moonfruit takes websites offline after cyber-attack threat
Posted: About 9 years ago

Moonfruit takes websites offline after cyber-attack threat

Thousands of business and personal websites have been taken offline by web host Moonfruit, after it was threatened with a cyber-attac...

Source: BBC
Watch Lebron James train (in virtual reality)
Posted: About 9 years ago

Watch Lebron James train (in virtual reality)

If you're a big basketball fan, you either care a decent deal about Lebron James or you hate him completely, as his considerable tale...

Source: foxnews

Trending News

Watch Lebron James train (in virtual reality)
Source: foxnews
Feds’ encryption fears overblown, report finds
Source: foxnews