Top News - America

Obama Praises Colombia’s Peace Efforts With Rebels and Seeks Big Aid Increase

Obama Praises Colombia’s Peace Efforts With Rebels and Seeks Big Aid Increase

WASHINGTON — President Obama welcomed President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia to the White House on Thursday for a buoyant celebration of the $10 billion, 15-year American effort to help Colombia vanquish its violent drug cartels and end its festering guerrilla war. It was also a chance for tw...

Source: nytimes

Miss Universe mistake: Is God testing you, Miss Colombia?

Miss Universe mistake: Is God testing you, Miss Colombia?

Dear Miss Gutierrez-Arévalo, Many people have weighed in on the moment you were crowned ...

Source: foxnews
Posted: About 9 years ago

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5 Smart Reasons to Refinance Your Home Loan Now

5 Smart Reasons to Refinance Your Home Loan Now

Since the Federal Reserve recently voted for the first benchmark interest rate hike in years...

Posted: About 9 years ago
Source: foxnews
Trump plots big TV ad blitz that could change campaign landscape

Trump plots big TV ad blitz that could change campaign landscape

When Donald Trump and his team were planning his presidential campaign, they drew up a budge...

Posted: About 9 years ago
Source: foxnews
Sightsavers Shows a Different Vision of Life by Showcasing Photos of Visually Impaired Artists

Sightsavers Shows a Different Vision of Life by Showcasing Photos of V...

~Event supported by Her Highness SheikhaArwa Al Qassimiand the Beyond Sight Foundation~ P...

Posted: About 8 years ago

More From America

Bangladesh plane ‘hijacker’ shot dead by special forces
Posted: About 5 years ago

Bangladesh plane ‘hijacker’ shot dead by special forces

A passenger suspected of attempting to hijack a flight from Bangladesh to Dubai has been shot dead by Bangladeshi special forces, ...

Source: BBC News
Zuckerberg outlines plan for ‘privacy-focused’ Facebook
Posted: About 5 years ago

Zuckerberg outlines plan for ‘privacy-focused’ Facebook

Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg has said he believes secure, private messaging services will become more popular than open platforms...

Source: BBC News
Donald Trump launches furious attack on Robert Mueller
Posted: About 5 years ago

Donald Trump launches furious attack on Robert Mueller

US President Donald Trump has launched a furious attack on Special Counsel Robert Mueller and on his critics at a conservative sum...

Source: BBC News
Officials could negotiate with terrorists to free kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls
Posted: About 9 years ago

Officials could negotiate with terrorists to free kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls

ABUJA, Nigeria – Nigeria's government still is open to negotiating with Boko Haram extremists for the release of 209 schoolgirls k...

Source: foxnews
Christchurch shootings: Brenton Tarrant appears in court
Posted: About 5 years ago

Christchurch shootings: Brenton Tarrant appears in court

The main suspect in the killings of 49 people in shootings at two mosques in New Zealand on Friday has appeared in court on a sing...

Source: BBC News
Dutchman, 69, brings lawsuit to lower his age 20 years
Posted: About 6 years ago

Dutchman, 69, brings lawsuit to lower his age 20 years

BBC News : Emile Ratelband, 69, wants to shift his birthday from 11 March 1949 to 11 March 1969, comparing the change to identifyi...

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Can Iran survive sanctions?

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