Top News - America

Obama Praises Colombia’s Peace Efforts With Rebels and Seeks Big Aid Increase

Obama Praises Colombia’s Peace Efforts With Rebels and Seeks Big Aid Increase

WASHINGTON — President Obama welcomed President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia to the White House on Thursday for a buoyant celebration of the $10 billion, 15-year American effort to help Colombia vanquish its violent drug cartels and end its festering guerrilla war. It was also a chance for tw...

Source: nytimes

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5 Smart Reasons to Refinance Your Home Loan Now

5 Smart Reasons to Refinance Your Home Loan Now

Since the Federal Reserve recently voted for the first benchmark interest rate hike in years...

Posted: About 9 years ago
Source: foxnews
Trump plots big TV ad blitz that could change campaign landscape

Trump plots big TV ad blitz that could change campaign landscape

When Donald Trump and his team were planning his presidential campaign, they drew up a budge...

Posted: About 9 years ago
Source: foxnews
Sightsavers Shows a Different Vision of Life by Showcasing Photos of Visually Impaired Artists

Sightsavers Shows a Different Vision of Life by Showcasing Photos of V...

~Event supported by Her Highness SheikhaArwa Al Qassimiand the Beyond Sight Foundation~ P...

Posted: About 8 years ago

More From America

Christchurch shootings: 49 dead in New Zealand mosque attacks
Posted: About 5 years ago

Christchurch shootings: 49 dead in New Zealand mosque attacks

Forty-nine people have been killed and at least 20 wounded in shootings at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, in the nation...

Source: BBC News
Jamal Khashoggi: Pressure grows on Saudis as US envoy meets king
Posted: About 6 years ago

Jamal Khashoggi: Pressure grows on Saudis as US envoy meets king

BBC News Mr Khashoggi was last seen at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul two weeks ago. Turkish officials believe Mr Khashoggi wa...

G20: US and China agree to suspend new trade tariffs
Posted: About 6 years ago

G20: US and China agree to suspend new trade tariffs

The two men met in Buenos Aires after the G20 summit for their first talks since a trade war erupted this year. China says they ag...

Source: BBC News
Hurricane Michael: More deaths likely as storm wreaks havoc on Florida
Posted: About 6 years ago

Hurricane Michael: More deaths likely as storm wreaks havoc on Florida

Sky News Hurricane Michael was a fickle beast. It left some structures standing and exploded others, tossing roofs, bits of car, s...

New Zealand’s potential new flag looks decided, but what about the color?
Posted: About 9 years ago

New Zealand’s potential new flag looks decided, but what about the color?

WELLINGTON, New Zealand – New Zealanders know what their new potential national flag will look like, except that they're not quite...

Source: foxnews
China sentences second Canadian to death
Posted: About 5 years ago

China sentences second Canadian to death

A court in China has sentenced a Canadian citizen to death for producing and trafficking methamphetamine. Fan Wei is the second ...

Source: BBC News

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