Top News - Africa

U.N. Peacekeepers Accused of Rape in Central African Republic

U.N. Peacekeepers Accused of Rape in Central African Republic

DAKAR, Senegal — United Nations peacekeepers in the Central African Republic raped or sexually exploited at least eight women and girls last fall, including a young teenager who said she was released only because she had managed to scream, according to a Human Rights Watch report released Thursday...

Source: nytimes

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5 Smart Reasons to Refinance Your Home Loan Now

5 Smart Reasons to Refinance Your Home Loan Now

Since the Federal Reserve recently voted for the first benchmark interest rate hike in years...

Posted: About 9 years ago
Source: foxnews
Trump plots big TV ad blitz that could change campaign landscape

Trump plots big TV ad blitz that could change campaign landscape

When Donald Trump and his team were planning his presidential campaign, they drew up a budge...

Posted: About 9 years ago
Source: foxnews
Sightsavers Shows a Different Vision of Life by Showcasing Photos of Visually Impaired Artists

Sightsavers Shows a Different Vision of Life by Showcasing Photos of V...

~Event supported by Her Highness SheikhaArwa Al Qassimiand the Beyond Sight Foundation~ P...

Posted: About 8 years ago

More From Africa

Syria conflict: Trump ‘committed to defeating IS’, says Lindsey Graham
Posted: About 6 years ago

Syria conflict: Trump ‘committed to defeating IS’, says Lindsey Graham

A top Republican has said US President Donald Trump remains committed to defeating Islamic State (IS) in Syria, despite his plan t...

Source: BBC News
Natalia Fileva: Russia airline co-owner dies in private plane crash
Posted: About 5 years ago

Natalia Fileva: Russia airline co-owner dies in private plane crash

The co-owner of Russia's second biggest airline died when her private plane crashed in Germany, the firm says. Natalia Fileva, o...

Source: BBC News
Bomb kills three US soldiers in Afghanistan
Posted: About 5 years ago

Bomb kills three US soldiers in Afghanistan

Three US service members and one contractor have been killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan. Three other service members wer...

Source: BBC News
Australian who encouraged wife’s suicide jailed in landmark case
Posted: About 6 years ago

Australian who encouraged wife’s suicide jailed in landmark case

BBC News Graham Morant, 68, was convicted last month of counselling and aiding his wife, Jennifer Morant, to take her own life in ...

Spanish election: socialists win amid far-right gains for Vox party
Posted: About 5 years ago

Spanish election: socialists win amid far-right gains for Vox party

Spain’s ruling socialists won the most votes but fell short of a majority in Sunday’s snap general election, a contest marked b...

Source: The Guardian
Her Highness Sheikha Arwa Al Qassimi One of Primary Sponsors Bringing About a New Vision of Blindness
Posted: About 8 years ago

Her Highness Sheikha Arwa Al Qassimi One of Primary Sponsors Bringing About a New Vision of Blindness

From apps to specialists, technology and workshops, there are a myriad of ways visually impaired people are partaking in photography...

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