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Sightsavers organizes Photography Events for the Visually Impaired sponsored by HH SheikhaArwa Al Qassimi

Sightsavers organizes Photography Events for the Visually Impaired sponsored by HH SheikhaArwa Al Qassimi

Sightsavers is an organization that aims at preventing avoidable blindness, and advocates for the social inclusion and equal treatment of people with disabilities. The collaboration of the Sightsaversand the Beyond Sight Foundation contributed to the successful display of photography done by the vis...

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5 Smart Reasons to Refinance Your Home Loan Now

5 Smart Reasons to Refinance Your Home Loan Now

Since the Federal Reserve recently voted for the first benchmark interest rate hike in years...

Posted: About 9 years ago
Source: foxnews
Trump plots big TV ad blitz that could change campaign landscape

Trump plots big TV ad blitz that could change campaign landscape

When Donald Trump and his team were planning his presidential campaign, they drew up a budge...

Posted: About 9 years ago
Source: foxnews
Sightsavers Shows a Different Vision of Life by Showcasing Photos of Visually Impaired Artists

Sightsavers Shows a Different Vision of Life by Showcasing Photos of V...

~Event supported by Her Highness SheikhaArwa Al Qassimiand the Beyond Sight Foundation~ P...

Posted: About 8 years ago

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Trump administration to reinstate all Iran sanctions

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US jury awards $2bn damages in Roundup weedkiller cancer claim

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Scottish trials to stop sea eagles stealing lambs
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Felicity Huffman: Desperate Housewives star charged in exam cheating scheme

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Source: BBC News
Saudi Arabia condemns US Senate ‘interference’
Posted: About 6 years ago

Saudi Arabia condemns US Senate ‘interference’

The Saudi foreign ministry described the move as "interference" based on "untrue allegations". Thursday's US resolutions are larg...

Source: BBC News
Teen hockey game canceled after Zamboni driver destroys rink
Posted: About 9 years ago

Teen hockey game canceled after Zamboni driver destroys rink

A Zamboni driver in Manitoba has been charged with impaired driving and resisting arrest after allegedly crashing into the boards of ...

Source: foxnews

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